What Past Seminar/Webinar Attendees have said:
"The HALT seminar provided by Kirk Gray was one of the best investment that we have made; books and papers are excellent tools to learn these new concepts but nothing outperform having a person in house who actually has his hands on the product while at the same time explains in great detail concepts that one with a vast experience can only explain."
- Juan J. Estevez - Product Assurance Engineer Tyco Retail Solutions
"After Kirk’s HALT to HASS Webinar, which a dozen or so participated from Hayward, interest was renewed. Very soon after the Webinar with Kirk, Halt tests were conducted (and continuing to be conducted) with the inputs and test setup from the electronics Design group that participated in the Webinar. This was a positive change from previous experience with the electronics Design group as it relates to Halt testing and test setup."
- Mike Johnson, Reliability Engineer, Hayward Pool Products,
ed software and technology to ensure your data remains secure. If something does happen, we'll recover and restore things as quickly as possible.
Guiding Electronics Development for Rapid Reliability Maturity
Helping you Accelerate Reliability Development
We Provide:
Consulting on HALT and HASS Process Development
HALT and HASS Training and Test Strategies
Consulting for improving existing applications of HALT and HASS methods
The best way to introduce the new approach of HALT and HASS to your company is through an in-house seminar. All key individual design and test engineers can gain a common understanding of Accelerated Stress Boundary and Limit Test methods, and many of the typical questions regarding this process can be answered. A key factor in successful implementation is the participation of management in understanding and supporting these cost-saving test processes. Additionally, there is a significant cost savings in eliminating the travel expenses and absence from the workplace that off-site seminars require.
Contact us for efficient and effective reliability development solutions:
phone (512) 554-3111
Basics of Accelerated Reliability Improvement through Empirical Stress Boundary and Limit Testing
Why Accelerated Step Stress?
Reliability Prediction is a misleading approach – failures in electronics systems can be phenomenologically complex, chaning processes and materials make a moving target for models.
Many mechanisms and variability in manufacturing and end-use life cycle stress
Test to Limits + determine root causes + learn the physics of failure remove weak links - create robust products
History of Reliability Engineering and Environmental Stress Testing and Screening
1950 - 1970 Military Handbook 217
1970 -1980 Burn-in, Willis J. Willoughby's NAVMAT P-9492
1980 's- today, AST and ESS - and current best commercial practices
Mechanisms and Environmental Stress
Components and stress stimuli
Systems and stress stimuli
Acceleration of electronic lifetimes; is MTBF a valid measure of electronics life?
Wearout modes in electronics, if not MTBF, then what terminology to use?
Use of Stress in Design Evaluation and Improvement
Benefits; limitations
Types of Stress Stimuli
Levels of stress
Environmental Stress Stimuli
Thermal - how it helps in stimulation of marginal software/firmware to find operational reliability issues
Vibration - ED versus Repetitive Shock Systems
Combinations of Stresses
Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)
How to perform a highly accelerated life test on electronic hardware
When to use a single stimulus and when to combine stimuli?
How high a level of stress is high enough?
Are failures under high levels of stress relevant to field reliability?
What equipment is needed? What Personnel?
Step Stress test at what point in the design for manufacture? At what assembly level?
What data should we gather? How should we analyze it?
Highly Accelerated Stress Screens (HASS)
Development and determination of appropriate stimuli levels
Proof of Screen - How test can insure we don't damage good products.
Highly Accelerated Stress Audits (HASA)
Examples of electronic systems HASS processes
Concerns and long term improvements in HALT and HASS
When do we stop screening?
How do we optimize our screen?
Optimizing the vibration and thermal fixturing
Feedback from screening and long term process improvement
Other Beneficial uses of Environmental Step Stress
Benchmarking Suppliers - use step stress to select more reliable components
Benchmarking Competitors - use step stress to evaluate your their quality and robustness.
Use stress to precipitate and detect issues in NDF (No Defect Found) Boards
We adapt HALT and HASS Training To Your Products.
Outline of primary HALT and HASS Webinars and Seminars
Why Accelerated Step Stress?
Rapid Development and Market introduction of a mature product
Changes in semiconductor processes, materials, and higher-density systems make a moving target for models.
Many mechanisms and variability in manufacturing and end-use life cycle stress
Test to Limits + determine root causes + learn the physics of failure remove weak links - create robust products
History of Reliability Engineering and Environmental Stress Testing and Screening
1950 - 1970 Military Handbook 217
1970 -1980 Burn-in, Willis J. Willoughby's NAVMAT P-9492
1980 's- today, AST and ESS - and current best commercial practices
Failure Mechanisms and Environmental Stress
Components and stress stimuli
Systems and stress stimuli
Acceleration of electronic lifetimes: is MTBF a valid measure of electronic life?
What terminology should be used for wearout modes in electronics, if not MTBF?
Use of Stress in Design Evaluation and Improvement
Benefits; limitations
Types of Stress Stimuli
Levels of stress
Environmental Stress Stimuli
Thermal - how it helps in stimulation of marginal software/firmware to find operational reliability issues
Vibration - ED versus Repetitive Shock Systems
Combinations of Stresses
Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)
How to perform a highly accelerated life test on electronic hardware
When should you use a single stimulus, and when should you combine stimuli?
How high a level of stress is high enough?
Are failures under high levels of stress relevant to field reliability?
What equipment is needed? What Personnel?
Step Stress test at what point in the design for manufacture? At what assembly level?
What data should we gather? How should we analyze it?
Highly Accelerated Stress Screens (HASS)
Development and determination of appropriate stimuli levels
Proof of Screen - How tests can ensure we don't damage good products.
Highly Accelerated Stress Audits (HASA)
Examples of electronic systems HASS processes
Concerns and long-term improvements in HALT and HASS
When do we stop screening?
How do we optimize our screen?
Optimizing the vibration and thermal fixturing
Feedback from screening and long-term process improvement
Other Beneficial Uses of Environmental Step Stress
Benchmarking Suppliers - use step stress to select more reliable components.
Benchmarking Competitors - use step stress to evaluate their quality and robustness.
Use stress to precipitate and detect issues in NDF (No Defect Found) Boards